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Also of Interest: Did You Know?

Published on Friday, April 29, 2022

Dr. Thy Huynh, Assistant Professor, has been working with the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Board Prep Plus program developing practice questions for residents preparing for their certifying board examinations.  Starting two years ago, Dr. Jordie Ivey has led a team of residents including Drs. Molly Webb and Alex Noble preparing questions for the AAD Question of the Week which has been a very popular format for members to obtain continuing medical education credit.  Colleen Drapcho took the lead on AAD Question of the Week this year and has been submitting questions along with her co-PGY2 residents Drs. Hannah Badon, Ruth McTighe, and Laura Rezac.

Dr. Caroline Crabtree, a recent graduate of our residency training program, and Dr. Josh Ortego, PGY3, have provided incredible service as contributing fellows to Practice Update: Dermatology, the largest abstracting service in the world for skin diseases.  They serve as curators of recent, high impact, peer-reviewed publications.  Dr. Ruth McTighe has joined the team to replace Dr. Crabtree who is now in clinical practice in Jackson, MS.